Petals and Trails: Part 11Jewel CartwrightThis afternoon's ride was a gentler, slower-paced one, with Jewel guiding them along winding trails lined with sun-dappled trees and the scent of eucalyptus on the breeze. They crossed a few wooden bridges, the sound of hooves clopping against the boards mingling with birdsong, and eventually came upon a bend in the creek where the water was clear and inviting, the banks shaded by overhanging branches.
"Alright, here we are," Jewel announced, dismounting smoothly and patting Ceniza's neck as she led him forward.
Melissa gazed around, eyes wide with admiration. "This place is beautiful," she murmured, taking in the sparkling creek and the lush greenery framing the water.
Jewel smiled, pleased with her reaction. "It's one of my favorite spots on the property," she said. "Peaceful, isn't it?"
She walked toward a small, grassy clearing that made a perfect picnic spot and began setting down the picnic basket and blankets. "You two can let your horses wander into the creek if you'd like," Jewel added. "The water's a bit deeper downstream, so if you want, you can take them for a swim. I'll help you take the saddle pads off, and I'll give you a hand getting back on if you want to ride in the water."
Melissa and Sophie's eyes lit up at the idea, and they quickly dismounted with Jewel's help. She untacked the horses just enough to leave them comfortable but still easy to guide, and then gave the girls a little boost to help them back up, bareback this time.
The horses, now free of their saddle pads, waded eagerly into the creek, their hooves splashing and tails swishing contentedly. The girls laughed as the water came up to their horses' bellies, splashing cool droplets around them. Jewel couldn't help but chuckle at their delight, their laughter ringing out across the quiet landscape.
"Just make sure to hold on if they decide to roll in the water," she called with a grin, keeping an eye on the horses' relaxed movements as they dipped their muzzles into the water to drink.
Melissa looked down at Cielo, giggling as he splashed with one hoof, sending small waves in every direction. "It tickles!" she exclaimed, gripping his mane.
Once they got tired of riding the horses in the water, they led them back to grass so they could graze and dry off. The girls headed back into the water to slash around themselves. The dogs bringing them a stick to throw every once and awhile.
After a while, the girls swam back to the shore, cheeks flushed and beaming from the refreshing splash.
"Let's see what we have here," Jewel said, opening the basket to reveal an assortment of sandwiches, sliced fruit, and a few pastries wrapped neatly. The girls eagerly reached for the food, their swim having stirred up a healthy appetite.
As they ate, Jewel pointed out a few wildflowers growing along the bank. "See those over there? Those are river daisies. They only grow near water like this. You might want to add a few to your collection."
Sophie's face brightened. "Can we pick some now?"
Jewel nodded. "Go for it. Just be gentle, so we don't damage the plants around them."
The girls carefully picked a handful of delicate flowers, adding them to their collection and chatting excitedly about how they'd press them later. The dogs, who had been romping around the edge of the water, came over to flop down beside them, clearly worn out from all the running and splashing.
Once they'd eaten and gathered a few more flowers, Jewel packed up the remains of their picnic, and they saddled up once more. With the sun casting a warm golden glow over the creek and the sound of the water rippling behind them, they began the ride back home, content and happy after an afternoon of exploration and laughter by the water's edge.
When they returned to the house, the girls quickly changed from their togs and into slightly warmer clothes, their cheeks still pink from the swim. Once back at the kitchen table, they carefully laid out their freshly picked flowers to press, adding them to the ones they had already collected the day before. Some of the earlier flowers had dried enough that they could now write little notes beneath each one, recording where and when they'd found it. Jewel brought out some small, elegant labels, helping the girls slip the pages into their own books, making sure the flowers stayed in place.
"Remember to keep the book closed for a while," Jewel reminded them with a gentle smile. "That way, they'll stay in place and keep their shape."
"Got it," Melissa said, nodding. "Our teacher told us that too."
Jewel chuckled. "Smart advice."
As they were finishing up, Melissa looked up with a hopeful expression. "Hey, Jewel, is it alright if we go see the foal?"
Jewel's smile widened. "Neblina? Of course. She's growing like a weed lately. We'll have to be a bit careful, though—she's a little pushy sometimes, and her mother, Bruma, can be pretty protective. But if we're gentle, she'll be fine." She got up, grabbing her camera from the counter. "I'll bring this along so you'll have some photos to remember her by."
Sophie practically bounced with excitement, pumping a fist in the air. "Yes! I can't wait to meet her!"
They headed outside, the sun beginning to dip lower in the sky and casting a soft, warm glow across the paddocks. As they approached the foal's enclosure, Jewel reminded the girls to move calmly and to keep their voices low. The dogs, sensing the change in pace, stayed behind with a soft "stay" from Jewel.
In the enclosure, Neblina stood by her mother, Bruma, nibbling curiously at a tuft of grass. Her long, gangly legs and fuzzy coat made her look both delicate and slightly awkward, as though she were still getting used to her growing body. But there was no mistaking her confidence; she lifted her head at the sight of visitors, her big, curious eyes meeting theirs as her small ears flicked forward.
"There she is," Jewel whispered. "Isn't she something?"
"She's beautiful," Melissa murmured, clearly mesmerized.
Jewel slowly stepped forward with the camera, capturing a few shots of Neblina and her mother, Bruma, together. She handed the camera to Melissa and Sophie so they could take turns photographing the foal from different angles.
"Can we pet her?" Sophie asked softly, looking up at Jewel.
"Just let her come to you," Jewel advised. "She's still a bit young and feisty, so it's best if she makes the first move."
The girls held out their hands patiently, and sure enough, Neblina's curiosity got the better of her. She took a few hesitant steps forward, sniffing at Melissa's hand and then Sophie's, her velvety nose brushing against their fingers.
Sophie gasped softly, her eyes shining with joy. "She's so soft!"
The foal gave a little snort, startled by the sound, but soon settled, sensing she was safe. Bruma kept a watchful eye, staying close but relaxed, her trust in Jewel apparent.
After a few minutes, Jewel gently guided the girls out of the enclosure, letting the mother and foal return to their grazing. As they walked back toward the house, Sophie looked up at Jewel, still starry-eyed. "That was the best. Thank you for letting us see her."
"Anytime," Jewel replied warmly. "Neblina and Bruma are part of the Southern Lights family, just like you two while you're here."
The rest of the afternoon was spent in a cozy mix of TV shows and chatting about all the highlights from their weekend. Jewel smiled as the girls excitedly recounted their favorite moments, from meeting Neblina to pressing flowers and the creekside ride with the horses. It wasn't long before the late afternoon sun began casting longer shadows, signaling the end of their stay.
Just as the clock ticked past 4:30, the familiar sound of a car pulling up outside caught their attention. Jewel glanced out the window and saw Mrs. Stapleton's car in the driveway.
"Looks like your mum's here," Jewel announced with a smile, as the girls gathered their things.
Jewel opened the front door and stepped outside to greet Mrs. Stapleton, who waved as she approached. "Afternoon, Jewel. Are the girls ready to head home?"
"They're just grabbing their bags now," Jewel replied. "Would you like to come in for a bit while you wait?"
Mrs. Stapleton smiled but shook her head. "Thank you, that's kind of you, but I'd better not. My husband's in the kitchen tonight, and I'm already running a bit late. How did the girls do? I hope they weren't too much trouble."
"Not at all! They were wonderful," Jewel said warmly. "I even managed to tire them out for a while there, but they bounced back soon enough. They were like little energizer bunnies the whole weekend. We also made a video with some photos of our weekend rides. I have put them on a thumb drive for you."
Mrs. Stapleton laughed, her eyes twinkling with relief and humor. "Oh, I believe it! Now you can see why David and I were eager for a quiet weekend. We hardly get a chance to catch our breath with these two at home. Oh and thank you Jewel. Im sure the kids will love to have some memories from their time here"
Just then, Melissa and Sophie appeared at the door, each carrying their overnight bags and their flower albums grinning from ear to ear. They hurried over to their mum, excitement still shining in their eyes.
"Thank you so much, Jewel!" Sophie said, giving her a quick hug. "We had the best time ever!"
"Yeah, it was amazing," Melissa added, nodding earnestly. "Thank you for everything."
Jewel gave them each a warm squeeze. "You're welcome, girls. Come back anytime—you're always welcome at Southern Lights."
With a wave and a few final goodbyes, the girls climbed into the car, waving out the windows as their mum backed out of the driveway. Jewel watched until they were out of sight, a fond smile lingering on her face as she returned to the house, already thinking about what adventures they might have on their next visit.
Happy Trails!