About Your Farm
Tell us about your farm location and why you chose it.
Tell us about how your farm got its name.
Tell us what the town nearest your farm is like.
Tell us about a hidden or your favorite part of your farm.
Tell us about any preternatural activity on your farm.
Take us on a day at your farm.
Do you have any other animals besides horses?
How does your farm handle manure removal?
What sort of weather does your farm have? How do you cope with it?
Tell us about the other riders on your farm.
Tell us about any other trainers on your farm.
Create a fictitious location/town for your farm.
About Your Character
Do you prefer your natural or chosen family?
Are you a hermit or do you prefer company?
What's your favorite breed and why?
What's your favorite discipline and why?
Do you have any hobbies (Other than horses)?
What do you look like?
Tell us about your likes, dislikes, best and worst traits.
Write your family history.
About your horses
Tell us about one of your horses. (Personality, History, or the like)
Tell us about a lesson/training session with one of your horses.
Describe a farrier visit
Describe a vet visit
Describe a clinic you attend.
Other things:
Write up a show you've held.
Write up a breed article.
Write up a discipline article.