Story #3: Petals and Trails

Started by Jewel, Nov 06, 2024, 12:13 AM

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Journal Entry

Story Disclaimer

Jewel Cartwright

This story is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places in this story are purely the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events or locations, is entirely coincidental. The descriptions of animals, plants, and activities related to equestrian care and flower pressing are included for fictional purposes only and may not reflect professional standards or practices.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 1

Jewel Cartwright

"Good work today, Jack. Gunner's really coming along well with you," Jewel said, watching as Jack swung down from the saddle. "Just remember to stay relaxed and let her have her head. She knows how to stay in frame herself."

Jack gave a nod, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "Thanks, Jewel. All these tips are really helping. Gunner's a lot more sensitive than Rocky, that's for sure."

Jewel chuckled, reaching out to stroke Gunner's neck. "Haha, you're not wrong there. She's got her own style." Gunner tossed her head as if to agree, and Jewel smiled at the mare's lively spirit.

Just then, the low rumble of a car sounded from the gravel driveway, and they both turned to see a sleek sedan pulling up outside the barn. The engine cut off, and the doors opened as three familiar faces stepped out: Mrs. Stapleton and her two daughters, Melissa and Sophie.

Jewel glanced at her watch. "Right on time," she murmured to herself. She turned back to Jack, giving him a quick pat on the shoulder. "I'll leave you to it, okay? Same time next week, but with Berry."

Jack nodded, gathering Gunner's reins. "You got it. Come on, Gunner, let's get you a good massage." With a final wave to Jewel, he led the mare back toward the stables.

Jewel climbed over the arena fence and made her way to the Stapletons, who were standing by the car. Melissa and Sophie were all chatter, practically bubbling over with excitement as they clutched what looked like a book of some kind in their hands.

"Girls, please," Mrs. Stapleton sighed, rubbing her temple. "Enough with the chatter, you're giving me a headache."

Jewel laughed as she approached the car, waving at the two girls who looked like they were practically bursting with excitement. "Hey there! Ready for your weekend? And what have you got there?"

"Our stuff is in the car," Sophie replied quickly, barely able to contain herself.

Melissa stepped forward and held out a book toward Jewel, her small hands clutching it with care. "It's got flowers in it," she explained proudly.

Curious, Jewel took the book and began flipping through the pages, noting the neat rows of pressed flowers, each one arranged with surprising precision. Mrs. Stapleton smiled as she watched. "They've been working on it for a few weeks now, pressing flowers for an arts and craft project at school. They've collected flowers from all over—our backyard, the park, even a few from the neighbor's garden!"

Jewel smiled as she examined the delicate petals and colors, a wave of nostalgia hitting her. "That's wonderful! I remember doing the same thing when I was in school. It's amazing how each flower keeps a little bit of the day you found it."

Melissa looked up with wide eyes. "Do you still have yours, Jewel?"

Jewel thought for a moment, her mind drifting back to the dusty attic. "You know, I just might. It's probably packed away with my old school things, up in the attic." She chuckled softly. "I'll have to dig it out one of these days."

Sophie's eyes lit up with excitement. "Maybe we can find some flowers to press here! Southern Lights has so many pretty ones!"

Jewel nodded, an idea forming as she looked at the two girls, each one eager and ready for adventure. "How about this? Tomorrow we'll take a ride around the property, see if we can spot some wildflowers to add to your collection. We can have a little picnic too, with the horses and dogs tagging along."

Both girls squealed in delight, and Jewel grinned, feeling their energy brighten the peaceful stillness of the station.

"Thanks so much for doing this, Jewel. Their father and I could really use a quiet weekend," Mrs. Stapleton said with a grateful smile.

"It's no trouble at all—I love having them around," Jewel replied warmly.

She handed the pressed-flower book back to Melissa and then reached into the car to help retrieve their bags. "Alright, let's get your things inside, and then we'll go round up your ponies for today's lesson," Jewel said, looking at the girls with a wink.

"Okay!" Sophie and Melissa chimed together, their faces lighting up. They turned and hugged their mother tightly. "Bye, Mum!"

"Goodbye, girls. Be on your best behavior," Mrs. Stapleton said, squeezing them each in turn before letting them go. As they headed toward the house, she gave one last glance and turned back to Jewel. "If there's any trouble, don't hesitate to give me a call."

Jewel nodded reassuringly. "Will do. They're in good hands—I'll make sure they have a great time."

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 2

Jewel Cartwright

Once bags and the flower albums were put inside, Jewel gathered the girls and led them to the tack room. The air was filled with quiet anticipation as Melissa and Sophie changed into their jodhpurs, tugging on their boots and fastening their helmets with practiced care. They were used to these routines by now, and the familiarity seemed to make them more excited, not less.

"Ready to ride?" Jewel asked, grinning as she saw their eager faces.

"Ready!" they chorused, practically bouncing on the spot.

Melissa and Sophie grabbed their ponies' halters and lead ropes from their hooks, their fingers brushing over the worn leather as they unhooked each piece. Together with Jewel, they walked out of the tack room and started towards the ponies' paddock, the afternoon sunlight casting long, golden shadows across the grass.

"What are we working on today, Jewel?" Sophie asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.

Jewel just gave a mysterious smile. "You'll see soon enough. Sarah's coming to help out today."

The girls exchanged a thrilled glance, clearly intrigued. Sarah was an experienced instructor and friend of Jewel's, and whenever she joined them, the lessons always seemed to have an extra spark.

Reaching the paddock, they spotted Midnight Whispers, a smoky black Quarter Pony stallion, and Shez Slick, a sleek black Quarter Pony mare, grazing quietly under the shade of a gum tree. The ponies lifted their heads as they approached, ears flicking forward with interest.

Melissa and Sophie entered the paddock, moving calmly as Jewel had taught them, and slipped the halters over their ponies' noses, clipping the buckles securely. The girls murmured soft greetings to their mounts as they led them out, the ponies following obediently with steady steps.

Back at the grooming station, they gave their ponies a quick but thorough brush-down. Jewel watched as they ran soft brushes over the ponies' coats, smoothing out any dust and untangling manes and tails with gentle fingers. Despite their excitement, they were meticulous, each girl paying close attention to her pony's comfort.

Once the ponies were groomed, they moved on to tacking up. Melissa secured Shez Slick's saddle with care, checking the placement, while Sophie did the same with Midnight Whispers. The girls worked in focused silence, occasionally glancing over at Jewel for reassurance, who gave them nods of approval.

With the ponies all set, the group made their way to the arena. The dogs ran ahead, tails wagging as they darted through the grass, clearly excited to be part of the day's activities. Jewel held open the arena gate and waited for the girls to walk their ponies inside before closing it behind them, motioning for the dogs to stay outside with a firm but gentle hand.

"Don't forget to check your girth before you get on," Jewel reminded them. "Safety first."

Both girls nodded, giving their girths a final check to make sure everything was snug. They walked their ponies over to the mounting block, and with a bit of concentration and effort, each one climbed into the saddle. Once seated, they adjusted their reins, settling comfortably as they took up the reins and began a slow walk around the arena to warm up.

Sophie guided Midnight Whispers in a smooth circle, his dark coat shimmering as he moved with a gentle, rhythmic sway. Melissa had Shez Slick in a steady trot, the mare's sleek black coat catching the sunlight as they made their way around the perimeter.

By the time Sarah arrived, the girls had completed a few warm-up laps, and their ponies were beginning to loosen up, ready for whatever exercises lay ahead.

"Hey, Jewel! Sorry I'm late—traffic was a bit of a nightmare in town," Sarah called as she approached, slightly out of breath.

"No problem at all," Jewel replied with a smile. "The girls just finished warming up. Perfect timing, actually."

Sarah watched the girls with a twinkle of admiration in her eyes. "Well, then, shall we get started?"

Jewel gathered the girls in the center of the arena, where a series of ground poles and cones had already been set up in a challenging pattern.

"Today's lesson," Jewel began, "is all about transitions. We're going to work on moving between a walk, trot, and canter, and we'll focus on precision and control. You'll also have a pattern to follow with markers and poles, so you'll need to be aware of your timing and turns."

Sophie and Melissa leaned forward in their saddles, listening intently.

"Think of it as a little obstacle course," Sarah added with a grin. "It's designed to help you develop better communication with your ponies and teach you how to plan your movements. The idea is to hit each marker at the right speed—so you'll be practicing your transitions as you go."

The girls exchanged excited glances, visibly thrilled at the idea of riding through a course. They loved challenges like this, where they could focus their energy and push themselves a little further.

"Alright, Sophie, you're up first," Jewel instructed. "Guide Midnight Whispers over to the first marker at a walk, then pick up a trot when you reach the cone. Keep a steady pace and remember to breathe."

Sophie nodded, her face set with determination. She nudged Midnight Whispers forward, guiding him with a light touch as she approached the first marker. As soon as she reached it, she cued him into a trot, maintaining a steady rhythm as they passed the ground poles. Jewel and Sarah exchanged an approving nod.

Next, it was Melissa's turn. She steered Shez Slick with calm precision, timing her transitions just right, though her turns were a bit wide. Jewel gently reminded her to use her inside leg to keep the mare close to the markers.

As the lesson progressed, both girls began to improve, adjusting their cues and fine-tuning their timing. Jewel and Sarah offered tips along the way, guiding them through each challenge with encouraging words. They could see the girls becoming more focused, treating each transition as a goal to reach and each turn as a test of their skill.

By the end of the lesson, Sophie and Melissa had both completed the course multiple times, each round better than the last. They dismounted with flushed faces and triumphant smiles, clearly pleased with their progress.

As they led their ponies back to the barn, Jewel clapped a hand on each girl's shoulder. "Fantastic work today, both of you. This kind of focus and control will serve you well in all your riding. You're both learning to communicate better with your ponies, and that's what good horsemanship is all about."

Melissa grinned. "Thanks, Jewel. I think we both learned a lot."

Sophie nodded enthusiastically. "Can we do this again sometime? I want to get even better at it!"

Jewel chuckled, giving them each a proud smile. "Absolutely. Next time, we might add a few more challenges. But for now, let's get these ponies cooled down and head back for a well-deserved snack. I think you've both earned it."

With that, they led their ponies back to the barn, their footsteps light and their spirits high, each of them carrying the quiet satisfaction that comes from a day well spent and lessons well learned.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 3

Jewel Cartwright

As the day wound down, with lessons finished and all the horses fed and settled for the night, Jewel, Melissa, and Sophie gathered in the lounge, relaxing in front of the TV.

"So," Jewel began, glancing at the girls with a playful grin, "what do you both feel like for dinner? I was thinking pizza and chips since it's Friday night."

Melissa and Sophie exchanged an eager look, their faces lighting up. "Yes, please!" they chorused, barely able to contain their excitement.

"Now, the big question is," Jewel continued, "do we go out and make a whole adventure of it, or do we get it as takeaway and have a cozy night here?"

Melissa tilted her head, tapping her finger to her chin in exaggerated thought. "Hmm... going out sounds fun, but staying in means we get to watch a movie while we eat!" She glanced at Sophie, who was already nodding in agreement.

"Movie and pizza night it is, then," Jewel decided, smiling at their quick consensus. "Alright, I'll order us the works. Let's see... pepperoni, veggie supreme, and a side of extra garlic bread. Sound good?"

The girls grinned, practically vibrating with excitement. Jewel couldn't help but smile at their infectious energy. Friday nights like this reminded her of her own childhood, the simple pleasure of junk food and a good movie making the end of the week feel special.

"Hey, would it be okay if I invited Alex too? I bet he'd love some pizza," Jewel suggested with a smile, already reaching for her phone.

"Sure! The more, the merrier," Sophie nodded enthusiastically.

Melissa, blushing slightly, added, "I like Alex. He's cool."

Sophie grinned, leaning in toward Jewel. "You know, you and Alex look kind of alike, too."

Jewel raised her eyebrows, caught off guard. "We do? I hadn't noticed." Her mind briefly flashed to the DNA test she'd taken. The results hadn't come back yet, but the thought was never far from her mind these days.

"Yeah, it's the eyes," Melissa said matter-of-factly, tilting her head as if studying Jewel's face.

Jewel blinked, a bit flustered, before chuckling and shaking her head. "Kids say the darnedest things," she murmured, brushing it off as she typed a quick text to Alex. A moment later, there was a knock at the door, and Alex stepped in, flashing them a grin as he made his way over.

"Hey. Thanks for inviting me" Alex said with his hands in his pockets. He settled in the spare chair.

"Hi!" Melissa and Sophie replied in unison, giggling as they exchanged a glance.

"Alright then," Jewel said, her smile widening as she looked around at her little gathering. "I'll put in the pizza order while you three pick out a movie. Sound good?"

The girls nodded eagerly, already diving into a discussion about their favorite films, and Jewel felt a warmth settle in her chest. The girls' innocent comments lingered in her mind, tugging at a quiet curiosity. The DNA test was on its way, and the results would reveal whatever truth lay beneath it all. But for now, she pushed that thought aside, grateful for this cozy, carefree moment.

With the pizza order placed, Jewel set her phone down and looked over at the coffee table, where an assortment of DVDs lay scattered.

"So, what have you all picked?" she asked.

"We can't decide!" Melissa sighed. "Sophie wants something spooky, I want a horse movie, and Alex says he doesn't mind."

Alex rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. "Yeah, sorry, I'm no help. I'm good with anything."

Jewel thought for a moment. "Alright, what about Hocus Pocus or The Lion King? No horses, and not too spooky, but The Lion King has animals!"

Sophie's eyes lit up. "The Lion King! Yes, please!"

"Okay," Melissa agreed with a nod.

"Never seen it," Alex admitted.

"What?" Sophie gasped, turning to him in mock horror.

She immediately launched into an enthusiastic explanation of why The Lion King was a must-see, leaving Alex looking a bit overwhelmed as he glanced at Jewel, silently pleading for help.

Jewel chuckled. "Alright, Sophie, that's enough convincing. Alex, why don't you put the movie on and then give me a hand with the drinks?"

"Sure thing," he said, clearly relieved.

In the kitchen, Jewel pulled the soft drinks from the fridge as Alex grabbed some cups from the cupboard.

"They're a handful," Alex remarked with a half-smile.

"They're just excited. And I think you've got an admirer," Jewel teased, nodding toward Melissa, who kept stealing shy glances his way.

"That's, um..." Alex trailed off, not sure how to respond.

"Don't worry," Jewel reassured him with a smile. "If it gets to be too much, just politely set some boundaries. I'm sure they'll respect it. And if not, you let me know."

At that moment, the three dogs—Boomer, Jazzy, and Ringo—sauntered into the kitchen, tails wagging as they joined the gathering. Just then, the doorbell rang, and Boomer let out a short bark, alerting them all that the pizza had arrived.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 4

Jewel Cartwright

As the credits rolled and the room quieted into a peaceful hush, Alex stretched and glanced over at the girls, who were both half-asleep, leaning against each other. The dogs had settled at their feet, content and sleepy themselves.

Jewel stood and lowered the TV volume. "Alright, hands, teeth, and bed, you two," she said softly, smiling at their sleepy faces.

Melissa mumbled a drowsy "Goodnight, Jewel," before giving her a quick hug. Sophie blinked up at Alex, a shy smile on her face. "Thanks for staying, Alex. It was... fun."

Alex gave a small nod, a hint of a genuine smile flickering across his face. "Glad you enjoyed it, Soph." He reached down, ruffling her hair a bit awkwardly, his usual guarded look softening, if only for a moment.

After they gave the dogs a gentle pat goodnight, the girls padded off toward the guest bedroom, leaving Jewel and Alex alone to tidy up the room.

As they started clearing pizza boxes and gathering cups, Jewel glanced over at him thoughtfully. "So, Melissa mentioned earlier that she thinks we look alike," she said with a small smile, testing his reaction.

Alex paused, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. "Did she now?" he murmured, focusing on stacking the empty boxes.

"Yeah," Jewel chuckled. "She said it's the eyes." She shrugged, trying to keep things light, though the thought of her DNA test briefly flashed through her mind. She pushed it aside for now, turning her attention back to the task at hand.

A comfortable silence settled over them as they continued tidying up. Finally, Jewel looked over, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Hey, we're planning to go for a ride tomorrow, maybe have a picnic with the girls and the dogs. You're welcome to join us, if you're up for it."

Alex glanced at her, hesitating for a second before shaking his head. "Thanks, but I've got to work with Rex. We'll be fixing fences and doing some weed-spraying. Needs to get done," he replied, his voice polite but firm.

Jewel nodded, not pressing him further. "Fair enough. You know where to find us if you change your mind."

He gave a quick nod, finishing up the last of the cleanup. "I appreciate it," he said, his tone softer than usual. With that, he grabbed his jacket from the back of a chair, gave her a slight nod, and headed out.

As the door closed softly behind him, Jewel felt a small, hopeful warmth in her chest. He was still guarded, but tonight felt like a step—a quiet, simple moment of trust.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 5

Jewel Cartwright

The next morning, Jewel walked into the kitchen, three eager dogs—Boomer, Ringo, and Jazzy—trotting at her heels. Inside, Melissa and Sophie sat at the kitchen table, still in their pajamas, stretching and rubbing their eyes. The dogs, delighted to see them, bounded over to greet the girls, tails wagging.

"Good morning, you two! Sleep well?" Jewel asked with a smile as she set a few things on the counter.

Sophie looked up, a bit alarmed. "Oh no, did we miss feeding the horses?"

Jewel chuckled, reaching over to ruffle her hair. "No worries, Sophie. We start pretty early here, and you both were sound asleep when I checked in on you. Figured you could use the extra rest."

Melissa, still waking up, gave a sleepy yawn and mumbled something about "flowers," making Jewel smile. Clearly, yesterday's talk of flower-pressing had stuck with her.

"Now, breakfast!" Jewel announced. "Do you girls want cereal, or how about eggs on toast?"

"Eggs on toast, please," they chorused, suddenly more awake at the thought of breakfast.

"Alright! How about we go gather some fresh eggs from the chickens?" Jewel suggested.

"I'll do it!" Melissa said, springing up and grabbing a small wicker basket from the counter. She hurried out toward the chicken coop, with Jewel and Sophie following close behind, the dogs prancing happily around them.

Once they'd collected a few warm, brown eggs, they returned to the kitchen where Jewel got the eggs sizzling on the stove and popped some bread in the toaster. The cozy, familiar scents of cooking filled the room, and the girls leaned eagerly on the counter, chatting as they waited.

"So," Jewel began as she stirred, "like i suggested yesterday, we could take a ride around the property and collect some flowers and have a picnic. How does that sound?"

"Oh! Yes, please!" Sophie's eyes lit up, while Melissa clapped her hands, excitedly bouncing on her toes.

"Would you like to ride your ponies, or try one of the Criollos?" Jewel asked, curious to see how adventurous they were feeling.

The girls exchanged glances, a hint of mischief in their eyes. "Our ponies are great," Sophie said, "but... maybe we could try the Criollos this time?"

"Absolutely. They're wonderful horses," Jewel nodded, glad they were keen to try something new. "After breakfast, we'll pack up some snacks and drinks, and I'll grab my camera too. I thought it might be fun to take some photos of the flowers we find along the way. Maybe even start your own little flower-pressing project with blooms from Southern Lights."

Melissa's face lit up. "Yes! I'd love that. We can add them to our books!"

"Exactly," Jewel smiled, plating up their eggs and toast. "We'll make a day of it. Ride out, have our picnic, and see if we can spot some really beautiful flowers to collect. And maybe we'll even get a few good photos of you two with the horses."

The girls dug into their breakfast, chattering excitedly about all the flowers they hoped to find and the different things they'd press them into—cards, bookmarks, maybe even decorations for their rooms. Jewel listened, nodding along, enjoying their excitement.

Once breakfast was cleared away, Jewel packed a one of the saddle bags with sandwiches, fruit, water bottles, and a few extra treats she knew the girls loved. She slipped her gopro camera in as well, double-checking the battery—ready to capture the beauty of the property, and maybe a few candid shots of the girls laughing and riding in the sun.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 6

Jewel Cartwright

Choosing the Criollo horses for their ride presented a small challenge. Jewel led the girls through the paddock, carefully steering them away from the Criollo stallions. She explained that, while the stallions were usually calm, they could be unpredictable in new situations or around unfamiliar riders—and they weren't suited for children, especially on a long trail ride.

Sophie looked doubtful. "But I ride Midnight Whispers, and he's a stallion," she pointed out, crossing her arms a little defiantly. "So why can't I ride a Criollo stallion?"

Jewel chuckled, crouching down so she was at Sophie's eye level. "You're right, you do ride Midnight Whispers. But Midnight's a pony stallion—smaller, with a gentler temperament and years of training specifically for you and your races. The Criollo stallions are much larger, stronger, and they aren't as accustomed to having young riders. They need more experience on the reins and can be harder to handle if something unexpected happens on the trail."

She gave Sophie a reassuring smile. "Plus, I'm not taking any chances with you girls out there. If something went wrong, your mom would have my head. Let's start with the geldings today. They're just as beautiful and well-trained, and they're perfect for a relaxed ride and a picnic."

Sophie sighed, nodding reluctantly. "Okay, I guess that makes sense."

"Tell you what," Jewel said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Once you've had more experience on different kinds of horses, we'll see about working with one of the Criollo stallions—under safe, controlled conditions. But for today, let's have fun with the geldings."

Sophie's face brightened at the idea of a future challenge, and the girls soon settled on their mounts:

Cielo Estrellado, a gentle 10-year-old gray gelding, for Sophie.

Diego, a calm 9-year-old black gelding, for Melissa.

And for Jewel herself, Ceniza, her steady blue roan gelding.

With their choices made, they brought them into the tack bays. Halfway through the process, Old Ted wandered over, noticing the preparations and lending a hand to speed things along. He helped Melissa adjust Diego's bridle with a grin.

"A picnic, eh? Sounds like a great day planned," he remarked to the girls.

"You could come with us!" Sophie suggested, her face bright with enthusiasm as she fitted Cielo's saddle.

Ted chuckled, shaking his head. "Thank you, but I've got plenty to do around here. Maybe some other time."

Finally, they were ready. Jewel looked over at the girls. "Are you both set?"

"I think so," Melissa replied, looking over herself and her horse.

"Yes!" Sophie chirped, her excitement shining as she glanced stroked her horse neck.

With the horses led out to the mounting block, Jewel helped each of the girls into the saddle.

"Wow, this is different," Melissa murmured, looking down at the much taller Diego beneath her.

"They're way taller than our ponies," Sophie agreed, adjusting to Cielo's height.

"They do have a longer stride, too," Jewel explained, nudging Ceniza forward with ease. "But they're good horses and will only go as fast as you ask. Just take your time getting used to it."

Sophie reached forward, admiring Cielo's thick mane. "Their manes and tails are so pretty—maybe we could put flowers in them?"

Jewel laughed, nodding. "I hadn't thought of that, but it sounds like a lovely idea."

As they began their ride, the dogs fell in line, trotting eagerly alongside. Sophie's eyes soon drifted to the small camera attached to Jewel's helmet.

"What's that on your helmet, Jewel?" she asked curiously.

Jewel reached up and tapped the GoPro. "It's a little video camera. I use it to record my rides, where I go, what I see. I don't have it with me all the time, but I thought today would be special, so I'll have a video you can show your parents."

"That's so cool!" Sophie said, grinning.

They rode quietly for a while, taking in the scenery and the fresh morning air, until they came to a crossroad in the trail. The dogs scattered, sniffing around the area, their tails wagging with excitement.

Jewel reined in Ceniza and glanced at the girls. "Alright, which way do you want to go? This trail here leads up to the hill, and this other one follows the creek."

The girls looked at each other, deep in thought. Sophie was the first to speak. "Let's follow the creek! Maybe we'll see some wildflowers."

"Good choice," Jewel said, guiding Ceniza onto the path beside the water, and they continued on, eager to see what the day would bring.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 7

Jewel Cartwright

They set off along the creek trail, Jewel in the lead with Ceniza's steady stride, while the girls followed closely, their excitement evident in their constant glances around. The dogs trotted along the bank, noses to the ground as they explored the scents of the trail.

The sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows across the path and illuminating patches of wildflowers that dotted the grassy edges. Jewel slowed Ceniza to a gentle walk, letting the girls take in the sights around them.

"Look over there!" Melissa pointed to a cluster of bright yellow blooms nestled in the grass. "What kind of flowers are those?"

Jewel guided Ceniza over to get a closer look. "Those are buttercups. They love growing near water," she explained. "They're perfect for pressing if you want to add some to your collection."

The girls slid off their horses with Jewel's help, carefully picking a few buttercups while making sure to leave plenty behind. They placed the flowers in a small pouch Jewel had brought along for the purpose.

"Do you think we'll find more wildflowers?" Sophie asked, her eyes wide with hope.

"Oh, I'm sure of it," Jewel replied, smiling. "There's a little meadow not too far up this trail, and it's full of all kinds of flowers this time of year."

Excited by the prospect, the girls hopped back onto their horses with Jewel's assistance, and they continued down the trail. Sure enough, as they rounded a bend, the trees gave way to an open meadow blanketed in vibrant blooms—lavender, daisies, and a mix of native Australian flowers swaying gently in the breeze.

The girls gasped in delight as they took in the colorful scene. "It's like a rainbow on the ground!" Sophie exclaimed.

Jewel dismounted, giving Ceniza a gentle pat. "Let's take a little break here. The horses can rest, and we can enjoy a snack while we explore."

Melissa and Sophie slid off their horses and led them to a shady spot, where the dogs quickly found a comfortable spot to lounge nearby. Jewel spread out the picnic blanket and handed out sandwiches and juice while the girls chattered about the flowers they'd found.

As they ate, Jewel snapped a few photos of the meadow and the girls, capturing the scene's magic. After a while, she handed the camera to Sophie. "Here, want to try taking a few photos?"

Sophie's face lit up as she took the camera. She carefully aimed it at a patch of lavender, snapping a picture, then took a photo of Melissa with her horse, Diego.

"This is fun!" she said, her eyes shining.

Once they'd eaten, the girls set to work gathering a few more flowers for pressing, carefully selecting the brightest and most unique blooms. They even wove a few into their horses' manes, adding a touch of color to the Criollos' thick manes and tails.

As they prepared to set off again, Jewel attached the GoPro to her helmet. "Ready for the ride back? We'll take the loop trail, so we'll see a bit more of the property."

The girls climbed onto their horses, now feeling more confident in the Criollos' stride, and they set off along the new trail. The dogs trotted ahead, leading the way, as they wound through open fields and shaded groves.

Eventually, they emerged onto a high point overlooking Southern Lights Station. Jewel paused, allowing the girls to take in the view of the expansive fields and rolling hills, dotted with cattle grazing in the distance.

"Look! You can see the whole station from here!" Melissa said, her voice filled with awe.

Jewel smiled, a wave of pride washing over her as she looked out over the land she loved so dearly. "It's a pretty special place, isn't it?"

Sophie nodded, clutching her reins. "Thanks for bringing us out here, Jewel. This has been the best day."

Jewel gave her a warm smile. "It's my pleasure. There's no place I'd rather be, and no better way to spend the day than sharing it with friends."

With that, they began the gentle ride back, the girls' laughter echoing along the trail as they shared stories, their new memories captured not just in the camera, but in the beauty and peace of the land around them.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 8

Jewel Cartwright

By the time they returned to the station, the girls were visibly tired but still buzzing with excitement, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they recounted their favorite parts of the ride. Jewel was about to suggest heading to the tack bay when something off to the side caught Melissa's eye.

Under the shade of a sprawling gum tree, an unlikely gathering had formed: Snowy the cockatoo perched on a low branch, Wombat—now affectionately nicknamed Battie—sprawled lazily on the ground, and Joey the kangaroo leaning back on his tail, all seemingly basking in each other's company. The dogs had trotted over, happily joining the odd little group and flopping down beside them.

Melissa's eyes widened. "That's not something you see every day!"

Jewel chuckled. "I call them the Unusual Bunch. Somehow, they always end up together when they're out here. It's like they have their own little club."

The girls dismounted, and Jewel led Ceniza over to the tack bay. Melissa was still watching the animals, clearly captivated by the sight. She glanced at Jewel, hopeful. "Do you think... could I take a photo of them?"

"Absolutely." Jewel unclipped the GoPro from her helmet and handed it to Melissa. "Here, use this. I'll take care of your horse and meet you at the tack area. But try not to get too close, or you'll spook them."

Melissa nodded eagerly, clutching the camera with determination. "Thanks, Jewel!"

With a grin, she tiptoed over, holding the GoPro up carefully to capture the scene. From the tack bay, Jewel and Sophie watched as she knelt a few feet away, aiming the camera at the eclectic group. Snowy cocked his head, eyeing Melissa with mild interest, while Battie lazily stretched out a paw, completely unbothered. Joey flicked an ear, but otherwise stayed relaxed.

Jewel smiled, shaking her head in amusement. "That girl has an eye for moments."

"She really does," Sophie agreed, leaning against Diego as she watched her sister. "Can we keep the photo? I want to remember today."

"Of course," Jewel replied. "I'll upload it later, and we can print it out if you like. It'll be a perfect memento of your weekend here."

After Melissa finished snapping photos, she jogged back to the tack bay, her face glowing with excitement. "I got them! They were so calm, just sitting there. It was like they knew they were getting their picture taken!"

"Sounds like you got some great shots," Jewel said, helping Sophie loosen Diego's girth. "Once we're all untacked and brushed down, you can help me go through the footage."

They spent the next half hour carefully unsaddling and brushing down the horses, giving them a well-deserved treat before turning them out to graze. As they worked, the girls kept chatting about the animals, their rides, and the beauty of the property, their voices full of contentment and wonder.

When they finally made it back to the house, Jewel uploaded the GoPro footage and brought it up on her laptop. The three of them huddled around the screen, reviewing the photos and clips from the day. The picture of Snowy, Battie, Joey, and the dogs lounging under the gum tree turned out even better than Melissa had hoped, capturing the peaceful, quirky charm of their little animal family.

"Look at that," Jewel said, smiling as they admired the photo. "It's like a postcard from the station."

"Can we put it on the fridge?" Sophie asked, beaming.

"Absolutely," Jewel replied. "And maybe we can print a few copies for you to take home. That way, you'll always have a reminder of your Unusual Bunch."

Jewel pointed to the table where the flowers were located "Also, here are all of your flowers that you picked so far. We can press them tomorrow. "

The girls nodded eagerly, and Jewel felt a warm sense of satisfaction. Today had been about more than just riding and picnicking—it was a memory they'd carry with them, a little slice of magic from a simple day at the station.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 9

Jewel Cartwright

The following morning, Jewel was taken aback to see both Melissa and Sophie wide awake and waiting for her at the kitchen table, eyes bright with anticipation.

"Well, good morning!" Jewel exclaimed with a laugh, glancing at her watch in surprise. "You two are up early!"

"We wanted to help feed the horses this morning," Melissa said, her tone serious as she looked up at Jewel.

Jewel tilted her head, slightly amused. "You know, you don't have to. You can relax, maybe watch some Sunday cartoons or something."

"No, that's okay. We want to help," Sophie insisted, nodding eagerly.

Jewel chuckled, recognizing their determination. "Alright, then. It's a big job, so it'll take a little bit of time."

"That's fine with us, right, Sophie?" Melissa said, grinning at her sister, who nodded in agreement.

"Well then, let's get going!" Jewel said, motioning for them to follow. "After breakfast, we'll set up for flower pressing. And if it's as hot as they're saying it'll be, maybe another ride to the creek for a swim."

"Swimming!" Sophie's eyes lit up with excitement, practically bouncing in her seat.

Jewel smiled at their enthusiasm. "Yes, a good dip to cool off! And your mum will be here later this evening to pick you up, so let's make the most of today. Now, off to the feed room we go!"

The girls eagerly followed Jewel out to the feed room, with Boomer, Jazzy, and Ringo trotting along at their heels. The early morning sun cast a warm glow across Southern Lights Station, and the girls' excitement seemed to spark a lively energy all around.

At the feed room, they carefully helped Jewel measure out the horses' feed, each scoop and bucket carefully prepared. With over fifty horses spread across different paddocks and stables, it was no small task. But with the rest of the staff there to help, the work moved quickly and efficiently.

Once they were loaded up in the Kubota, they set off toward the far paddocks, where some of the cattle and horses were grazing. Along the way, Jewel kept a watchful eye as the girls chattered and pointed out every interesting sight, taking photos and picking wildflowers whenever they found a spot that caught their attention.

At one point, they passed a large gum tree where Snowy the cockatoo was perched, his feathers fluffed up as he preened himself. Sophie snapped a quick photo, and Melissa picked a few bright yellow wattle flowers nearby, tucking them carefully into her collection basket.

"So how do you know which flowers are best for pressing?" Melissa asked, examining the petals in her basket.

"Soft-petaled ones work best," Jewel explained. "Wildflowers and delicate blooms tend to hold their color well, too. I can show you some tricks when we set everything up after breakfast."

Sophie leaned over, looking eagerly at the different flowers Melissa had collected. "Maybe we can find a few more at the creek too?"

"I'm sure we will," Jewel agreed, giving the girls a quick wink. "Southern Lights is full of surprises, after all."

When they reached the paddocks, they parked the Kubota and set out to check on the grazing horses. The girls helped Jewel pour feed into troughs, each of them taking turns to scatter hay while the horses approached, nickering in greeting. The dogs explored nearby, keeping a watchful eye on the cattle as if they were joining in the morning's work.

As they wrapped up, Jewel noticed the girls' curious gazes as they watched the horses, clearly entranced by the quiet morning scene.

"Ready to head back for breakfast?" Jewel asked, wiping her hands on her jeans.

Melissa and Sophie exchanged glances, looking a bit tired but pleased. "Yeah!" they chorused, climbing back into the Kubota. They chatted all the way back to the homestead, talking about which flowers they wanted to press and what sandwiches they'd make for their creekside picnic.

By the time they arrived back at the house, the sun was already warming the sky, and the promise of a full day of adventure stretched before them. Jewel couldn't help but smile, feeling as eager as the girls for the day ahead.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 10

Jewel Cartwright

After breakfast, it was time for flower pressing. The girls eagerly gathered their freshly picked flowers, adding this morning's collection to yesterday's bundle. Bright splashes of yellow wattle, delicate bluebells, and vibrant pink wildflowers covered the kitchen table and counters, creating a colorful array that almost seemed to bring the outdoors inside.

Jewel helped them sort through the flowers, laying out the petals and leaves in neat piles while Boomer, Jazzy, and Ringo sat nearby, watching the process with curious eyes. Melissa and Sophie each had their books open, carefully turning to fresh pages to begin their pressing.

"Alright," Jewel said, settling beside them with a gentle smile. "The trick with pressing is to spread each petal and leaf flat so they dry evenly. Here, let's start with these daisies. See how we spread the petals gently like this?"

Melissa leaned in, carefully arranging a flower just as Jewel demonstrated. "Like this?" she asked, pressing lightly to flatten the bloom.

"Perfect," Jewel encouraged, nodding. "Then we'll put a piece of parchment paper over it and close the book. The weight of the book will help press them as they dry."

Sophie was handling a small sprig of lavender, arranging it so that the tiny purple buds fanned out against the page. She looked up with a big smile. "This one smells so nice!"

Jewel chuckled. "Lavender's a good choice. Even once it's dried, it'll keep a bit of that scent. Plus, it makes for a lovely addition to your collection."

The girls worked with quiet focus, the kitchen filled with soft conversation as they carefully pressed each flower. Jewel watched them with a mix of pride and nostalgia. She remembered her own flower-pressing days as a young girl, spending hours out in the fields gathering blooms to preserve as tiny memories.

"You know," Jewel began, glancing down at the girls, "some people say pressing flowers is like capturing a little piece of time. Whenever you look at one, you can remember exactly where you found it and how you felt that day."

Melissa looked up, eyes wide with interest. "Really. Our teacher never said anything like that. Hey, you said yesterday that you think you still have a book of flowers. Can you show it to us?"

"You have a good memory Melissa. I will see if i can find it afterwards," Jewel said with a smile, thinking of the dusty old box in the attic.

Once they had pressed all the flowers, they placed their books by the window where the morning sun shone, warming the covers just slightly. Jewel knew that the flowers would need a few days to dry, but the girls seemed content with their progress, already imagining how their finished pages would look.

"Right," Jewel said, standing up and brushing off her hands. "You two stay here, and I'll go hunt down that old flower album of mine."

She left the girls at the table, their eyes sparkling with curiosity, and headed down the hallway toward the storage closet. Jewel reached for the step stool, knowing she'd need it to reach the highest shelves in the attic. Being on the shorter side had its challenges, and today was one of those days.

She climbed the steps and pushed open the door to the attic, the familiar scent of old wood and dust filling the air. Sunlight streamed through a small window, illuminating boxes labeled with handwritten notes from years past. Jewel sifted through them, pulling out an old, slightly crumpled box with "School Memories" scrawled across the top in faded ink. Inside, she found photo albums, old notebooks, and, finally, a slightly worn, blue leather book with pressed flowers peeking out from the edges of the pages.

Smiling, she flipped through a few pages, each filled with flowers from her childhood—some from her school garden, others from hikes with friends, each pressed bloom like a tiny time capsule. She traced her fingers over the delicate petals, memories flooding back with each turn of the page.

Jewel returned to the kitchen with the album in hand, and the girls' faces lit up as she placed it on the table in front of them. "Here it is. My flower book," she said, gently opening to the first page.

The girls leaned in, captivated by the pressed flowers of lavender, daisies, and tiny wildflowers, each one with a small handwritten note in Jewel's neat, younger handwriting. "This one's from a camping trip with my family," Jewel said, pointing to a sprig of wild rosemary. "And this is from my school garden—my teacher let us each pick a flower to press."

Melissa and Sophie listened intently, turning each page with awe. "Can we do that too? Write where we found each flower?" Sophie asked.

"Of course," Jewel nodded. "You can add notes, draw little pictures, anything that helps you remember the story behind each one. But we may have to wait until they are dry."

They spent the next while flipping through the book, Jewel sharing snippets of her childhood as the girls listened in wonder. It felt like a bridge between generations, connected by the simple beauty of flowers, each pressed petal a piece of history preserved in a book.

"Now, for the next part of our day," Jewel said with a glint in her eye. "How about we pack up a picnic and head out to the creek for that swim?"

The girls practically jumped from their seats, their eyes lighting up with excitement. "Yes, please!" Sophie squealed, clapping her hands.

"Alright then," Jewel laughed. "Let's gather some sandwiches, fruit, and water bottles. And don't forget your hats and sunscreen—it's going to be a warm day out there."

The three of them began gathering supplies, packing sandwiches, apples, and a couple of cookies into a picnic basket. Jewel added a big water bottle and a small first-aid kit, then grabbed her camera to capture any memorable moments along the way.

With their supplies ready and the picnic basket packed, they headed out toward the barn to saddle up their horses. This time with just a bareback pad and bridles. The dogs were already waiting by the door, tails wagging in excitement, ready for another adventure.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance


Journal Entry

Petals and Trails: Part 11

Jewel Cartwright

This afternoon's ride was a gentler, slower-paced one, with Jewel guiding them along winding trails lined with sun-dappled trees and the scent of eucalyptus on the breeze. They crossed a few wooden bridges, the sound of hooves clopping against the boards mingling with birdsong, and eventually came upon a bend in the creek where the water was clear and inviting, the banks shaded by overhanging branches.

"Alright, here we are," Jewel announced, dismounting smoothly and patting Ceniza's neck as she led him forward.

Melissa gazed around, eyes wide with admiration. "This place is beautiful," she murmured, taking in the sparkling creek and the lush greenery framing the water.

Jewel smiled, pleased with her reaction. "It's one of my favorite spots on the property," she said. "Peaceful, isn't it?"

She walked toward a small, grassy clearing that made a perfect picnic spot and began setting down the picnic basket and blankets. "You two can let your horses wander into the creek if you'd like," Jewel added. "The water's a bit deeper downstream, so if you want, you can take them for a swim. I'll help you take the saddle pads off, and I'll give you a hand getting back on if you want to ride in the water."

Melissa and Sophie's eyes lit up at the idea, and they quickly dismounted with Jewel's help. She untacked the horses just enough to leave them comfortable but still easy to guide, and then gave the girls a little boost to help them back up, bareback this time.

The horses, now free of their saddle pads, waded eagerly into the creek, their hooves splashing and tails swishing contentedly. The girls laughed as the water came up to their horses' bellies, splashing cool droplets around them. Jewel couldn't help but chuckle at their delight, their laughter ringing out across the quiet landscape.

"Just make sure to hold on if they decide to roll in the water," she called with a grin, keeping an eye on the horses' relaxed movements as they dipped their muzzles into the water to drink.

Melissa looked down at Cielo, giggling as he splashed with one hoof, sending small waves in every direction. "It tickles!" she exclaimed, gripping his mane.

Once they got tired of riding the horses in the water, they led them back to grass so they could graze and dry off. The girls headed back into the water to slash around themselves. The dogs bringing them a stick to throw every once and awhile.

After a while, the girls swam back to the shore, cheeks flushed and beaming from the refreshing splash.

"Let's see what we have here," Jewel said, opening the basket to reveal an assortment of sandwiches, sliced fruit, and a few pastries wrapped neatly. The girls eagerly reached for the food, their swim having stirred up a healthy appetite.

As they ate, Jewel pointed out a few wildflowers growing along the bank. "See those over there? Those are river daisies. They only grow near water like this. You might want to add a few to your collection."

Sophie's face brightened. "Can we pick some now?"

Jewel nodded. "Go for it. Just be gentle, so we don't damage the plants around them."

The girls carefully picked a handful of delicate flowers, adding them to their collection and chatting excitedly about how they'd press them later. The dogs, who had been romping around the edge of the water, came over to flop down beside them, clearly worn out from all the running and splashing.

Once they'd eaten and gathered a few more flowers, Jewel packed up the remains of their picnic, and they saddled up once more. With the sun casting a warm golden glow over the creek and the sound of the water rippling behind them, they began the ride back home, content and happy after an afternoon of exploration and laughter by the water's edge.


When they returned to the house, the girls quickly changed from their togs and into slightly warmer clothes, their cheeks still pink from the swim. Once back at the kitchen table, they carefully laid out their freshly picked flowers to press, adding them to the ones they had already collected the day before. Some of the earlier flowers had dried enough that they could now write little notes beneath each one, recording where and when they'd found it. Jewel brought out some small, elegant labels, helping the girls slip the pages into their own books, making sure the flowers stayed in place.

"Remember to keep the book closed for a while," Jewel reminded them with a gentle smile. "That way, they'll stay in place and keep their shape."

"Got it," Melissa said, nodding. "Our teacher told us that too."

Jewel chuckled. "Smart advice."

As they were finishing up, Melissa looked up with a hopeful expression. "Hey, Jewel, is it alright if we go see the foal?"

Jewel's smile widened. "Neblina? Of course. She's growing like a weed lately. We'll have to be a bit careful, though—she's a little pushy sometimes, and her mother, Bruma, can be pretty protective. But if we're gentle, she'll be fine." She got up, grabbing her camera from the counter. "I'll bring this along so you'll have some photos to remember her by."

Sophie practically bounced with excitement, pumping a fist in the air. "Yes! I can't wait to meet her!"

They headed outside, the sun beginning to dip lower in the sky and casting a soft, warm glow across the paddocks. As they approached the foal's enclosure, Jewel reminded the girls to move calmly and to keep their voices low. The dogs, sensing the change in pace, stayed behind with a soft "stay" from Jewel.

In the enclosure, Neblina stood by her mother, Bruma, nibbling curiously at a tuft of grass. Her long, gangly legs and fuzzy coat made her look both delicate and slightly awkward, as though she were still getting used to her growing body. But there was no mistaking her confidence; she lifted her head at the sight of visitors, her big, curious eyes meeting theirs as her small ears flicked forward.

"There she is," Jewel whispered. "Isn't she something?"

"She's beautiful," Melissa murmured, clearly mesmerized.

Jewel slowly stepped forward with the camera, capturing a few shots of Neblina and her mother, Bruma, together. She handed the camera to Melissa and Sophie so they could take turns photographing the foal from different angles.

"Can we pet her?" Sophie asked softly, looking up at Jewel.

"Just let her come to you," Jewel advised. "She's still a bit young and feisty, so it's best if she makes the first move."

The girls held out their hands patiently, and sure enough, Neblina's curiosity got the better of her. She took a few hesitant steps forward, sniffing at Melissa's hand and then Sophie's, her velvety nose brushing against their fingers.

Sophie gasped softly, her eyes shining with joy. "She's so soft!"

The foal gave a little snort, startled by the sound, but soon settled, sensing she was safe. Bruma kept a watchful eye, staying close but relaxed, her trust in Jewel apparent.

After a few minutes, Jewel gently guided the girls out of the enclosure, letting the mother and foal return to their grazing. As they walked back toward the house, Sophie looked up at Jewel, still starry-eyed. "That was the best. Thank you for letting us see her."

"Anytime," Jewel replied warmly. "Neblina and Bruma are part of the Southern Lights family, just like you two while you're here."

The rest of the afternoon was spent in a cozy mix of TV shows and chatting about all the highlights from their weekend. Jewel smiled as the girls excitedly recounted their favorite moments, from meeting Neblina to pressing flowers and the creekside ride with the horses. It wasn't long before the late afternoon sun began casting longer shadows, signaling the end of their stay.

Just as the clock ticked past 4:30, the familiar sound of a car pulling up outside caught their attention. Jewel glanced out the window and saw Mrs. Stapleton's car in the driveway.

"Looks like your mum's here," Jewel announced with a smile, as the girls gathered their things.

Jewel opened the front door and stepped outside to greet Mrs. Stapleton, who waved as she approached. "Afternoon, Jewel. Are the girls ready to head home?"

"They're just grabbing their bags now," Jewel replied. "Would you like to come in for a bit while you wait?"

Mrs. Stapleton smiled but shook her head. "Thank you, that's kind of you, but I'd better not. My husband's in the kitchen tonight, and I'm already running a bit late. How did the girls do? I hope they weren't too much trouble."

"Not at all! They were wonderful," Jewel said warmly. "I even managed to tire them out for a while there, but they bounced back soon enough. They were like little energizer bunnies the whole weekend. We also made a video with some photos of our weekend rides. I have put them on a thumb drive for you."

Mrs. Stapleton laughed, her eyes twinkling with relief and humor. "Oh, I believe it! Now you can see why David and I were eager for a quiet weekend. We hardly get a chance to catch our breath with these two at home. Oh and thank you Jewel. Im sure the kids will love to have some memories from their time here"

Just then, Melissa and Sophie appeared at the door, each carrying their overnight bags and their flower albums grinning from ear to ear. They hurried over to their mum, excitement still shining in their eyes.

"Thank you so much, Jewel!" Sophie said, giving her a quick hug. "We had the best time ever!"

"Yeah, it was amazing," Melissa added, nodding earnestly. "Thank you for everything."

Jewel gave them each a warm squeeze. "You're welcome, girls. Come back anytime—you're always welcome at Southern Lights."

With a wave and a few final goodbyes, the girls climbed into the car, waving out the windows as their mum backed out of the driveway. Jewel watched until they were out of sight, a fond smile lingering on her face as she returned to the house, already thinking about what adventures they might have on their next visit.

Happy Trails!
Southern Lights Station & Wyndmere Hollow
Cow Sense Alliance